Historian is a furry

Your Data and Us.

1. What we collect.

Whenever you access a webserver running Apache2 (Like SnoopieWorld) a line in the server's log file is printed
and contains the following data sent by your browser:

SnoopieWorld does not collect any more data than Apache2 collects by default (specified above).

2. Why we keep logs.

SnoopieWorld collects logs so we can prevent and examine possible threats to our network. (such as spam and DDoS attacks)

3. How we analyze.

Traffic analysis is performed by a tool called The Webalizer on log files with the data specified above. The results of analysis are shared with no one and stored locally on servers we own.

4. Where we analyze.

While currently the same logs are created and stored for all pages and resources, only Snoopie's World Archive or those under /archive are analyzed. All other pages are not analyzed.

5. Why we analyze

Analysis is an invaluable resource to us as it allows us to see which pages and resources are the most viewed and utilized. It is used to provide insight so we can create the most useful information for you and other site users.

6. Can I opt-out?

Absolutely! Your data is your data and if you would like to have it excluded from future logging (which in turn applies to analysis) please email webmaster@snoopieworld.net with your IP address and we'll sort it out fastest we can.

Linked and embeded resources are subject to their own privacy policies not managed by SnoopiTek.
Last Updated May, 4th 2022